The first and largest NFT collection about Ethereum.

AI generated art and a ground-breaking public goods funding model to support Ethereum’s research and development.

Ethereum Art Daily incorporates the Ethereum symbol on every piece and it aims to self-document the evolution of AI artistic capabilities by minting a new piece every day.

The theme, subject, style and composition are directed by text instructions that are interpreted and executed by AI image generation software. Every piece is generated in this way, then manually edited to achieve the final artistic vision.

Ethereum Art Daily also introduces a public goods new type of funding model with a tiered system that routes up to 97.5% of proceeds directly to the Ethereum Foundation.

A Historic NFT Collection

Ethereum Art Daily aims to elevate the public opinion about AI generated content by showcasing how human creativity can be enhanced and expressed with cutting edge software to produce beautiful and compelling art.

This combination of man and machine will unleash a new golden era of arts and entertainment that will be shared and commercialized on the Ethereum network. This is the next level of the creator’s economy, and it will evolve into something much bigger: the metaverse.

The vision for Ethereum Art Daily is to become a pioneering project that will push the limits of AI technology and document this revolution through the artwork itself.

The Art of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is just a new tool that will allow for artists to express their creativity without needing to be skilled painters, cartoonists or 3D modelers. This has parallels to how a composer may write a symphony, but the orchestra is responsible for of executing that idea into something that can be experienced by the audience.

The combination of keywords, reference images and parameters are an exploration into a world of ideas. The artist is an explorer who is responsible for charting his own expedition and capturing imagery of the journey. It may be possible to roughly reproduce the artwork with the precise knowledge of how the content was created, but the art is in the act of pioneering and cataloguing the discovery of new and beautiful scenery.

Breaking the Mold

The Ethereum community has yearned for an NFT project that is focused on the artwork. They have yearned for a projected that is focused on public goods funding. They yearned for something that represents the ethos of Ethereum. Ethereum Art Daily is the materialization of all these goals. It was created by a community member, for the community, and embodies the spirit and topics that are part of the community.

The author of the collection does not have any direct or indirect contact with the Ethereum foundation. There are no whitelists, no secret promotional deals, no kickbacks, no incentives to artificially pump prices, no promises made, and no rugs to be pulled. It’s just about really cool Ethereum themed art and the opportunity to help Ethereum’s research and development.

“Art should be beautiful, but great art is much more than something pretty to look at. Great art is about telling a story.”

— Adriano Feria, Creative Director